Who Are We?

The Young Widows Might Foundation {YWMF} is a Non-Profit Organization that is aimed at supporting and empowering young widows between ages 23-48 years. Registered in 2016

What we do?

The population of widows are steadily increasing because of the recent security and social challenges, leaving these women to cater for themselves and their families alone. Our objective is to help young widows glide through the widowhood journey. We do this by giving them hope, encouraging them through stories of those who had similar challenges like them and are presently doing well; we also support their businesses and families through our various initiatives we organize annually. 

The Young Widows Might Foundation is unique because we don’t only work with numbers but we build relationships with our widows and empower them with skills that would make them financially stable to support their own families. 

Our Partners and Sponsors

We are so grateful to our sponsors and to those who are working with us in carrying out our mission. We look forward to having you join us as a sponsor, partner or Volunteer To be a Sponsor/partner kindly reach out to us through any of the contacts below

Donate To YWMF

May we ask you to consider making a donation to help YWMF continue our invaluable work?

We can’t help everyone,
but everyone can help someone